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Warm Congratulations on the Successful Convening of the Second Meeting of the 3rd Executive Committee of the International Association of Jointless Bridges (IAJB)

Information Sources: Release date: 2024-10-21 Views:

On the evening of October 18th, 2024, from 20:00 to 22:00 (GMT+8), the International Association of Jointless Bridges (IAJB) held the second meeting of its 3rd Executive Committee (EC) online. As shown in Figure 1, the meeting brought together 11 EC members from various regions worldwide.

The meeting was chaired by Prof. Bruno Briseghella, a professor at Fuzhou University, China, and the current Chair of IAJB. Prof. Briseghella opened the session with a comprehensive overview of the association, detailing its mission, scope, organizational structure, and recent activities. He emphasized IAJB’s ongoing commitment to advancing the field of jointless bridges and fostering global collaboration among researchers, engineers, and practitioners. A notable announcement was made regarding the 4th International Symposium on Jointless and Sustainable Bridges (ISJSB 2025), which will be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.

Following the introduction, the Secretary General of IAJB, Prof. Fuyun Huang, presented the work report to the EC members. Prof. Huang's report reviewed the association's recent activities, highlighted key milestones, and identified areas for improvement. It included a detailed summary of the 3rd International Symposium on Jointless and Sustainable Bridges (ISJSB 2022), which took place in Fuzhou, China. He recognized the valuable contributions from members worldwide, which helped make the symposium a global platform for innovation and knowledge sharing.

A significant portion of the meeting was dedicated to discussing the upcoming ISJSB 2025 in Milwaukee, covering logistical details such as dates, submission deadlines, venue arrangements, and event programming.

In conclusion, the committee emphasized the importance of enhancing communication and collaboration among members and encouraged continued efforts toward achieving the association's objectives. The meeting ended with a shared vision for IAJB's future growth and sustainability, building on past achievements and the promising opportunities ahead.

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