Habib Tabatabai
University ofWisconsin-Milwaukee
March 22, 2014
ProposedName: International Association for JointlessBridges (IAJB)
IntegralAbutment Bridge – There are no expansion joints onthe bridge itself and the abutments transfer both moment and shear betweensuperstructure and the abutment. Superstructure is made continuous. Individualpiers can be integral or semi-integral piers. An expansion joint can exist atthe end of approach slab.
Semi-IntegralAbutment Bridge - There are no expansion joints onthe bridge itself and the abutments transfer only shear between superstructureand the abutment (i.e. relative rotation is allowed). Superstructure is madecontinuous. Individual piers can be integral or semi-integral piers. Anexpansion joint can exist at the end of approach slab.
IntegralPier - There are no expansion joints at the pieritself and the connection between the superstructure and the pier can transferboth moment and shear.
Semi-IntegralPier - There are no expansion joints at the pieritself and the connection between the superstructure and the pier can onlytransfer shear (i.e. relative rotation is allowed).
FullyIntegral Bridge – Bridge has integral abutments andintegral piers.
Deck-OnlyContinuous Bridges – The deck slab is continuous,but the supporting superstructure can be simply-supported.
1) Development of improved detailsto accommodate end movements (typically at end of approach slab).
2) Seismic behavior
3) Evaluation of performance ofconcrete-filled steel pipe piles.
4) Development of improvedcontinuity connections between precast, prestressed girders.
5) Performance of deck-onlycontinuous bridges.
6) Secondary effects in skewedbridges (due to temperature gradients).
7) Transverse secondary forces dueto intermediate diaphragms.